


幾年前我曾經在一個能量訓練課程中碰觸到關於不知道的羞愧與恐懼, 課程以超乎了我頭腦所能夠理解的方式在進行,頓時我的頭腦失去了可以依據的舊路徑, 因為每一個片刻都是新的, 我沒有辦法依照我舊有的方式來回應或者是說等到確認自己是對的之後才回應,我需要練習信任自己的感知並且依據我當下所感知到的回應,在練習的過程中我不斷的看到自己對於未知、對於害怕犯錯的恐懼。但同時我也透過這些練習的過程中看到如果我要確認自己是對的才行動, 那麼就代表我在做著我習慣的事,  我正在限制自己生命的可能性。如果我想要體驗新的, 那麼不知道、不確定是一個必經的過程,當我允許自己待在不知道之中, 我反而經驗到更多生命所體現的奧祕和驚奇。


這個月在市圖借到這本我非常喜歡的繪本,我非常的喜歡這段作者寫為什麼她會寫這本書的原因, Vivek特地將這段文字翻譯成中文跟正在閱讀這篇文章的朋友們分享:

I wonder By Annaka Haris   Illustrated By John Rowe








我們生活在一個人們對於〝不知道〞感到不舒服的社會。 孩子們沒有被教導說我不知道,而且很誠實的說我們很少示範這樣的典範給孩子們 。他們也經常看到成年人避免問題和捏造答案,不管是出於感覺難堪還是恐懼,我們都為此付出了代價。當孩子們感覺到難堪或是對〝不知道〞感覺害怕時,他們會專注在逃避自己的不舒服,而不是被激勵去學習 。這剝奪了他們好奇的喜悅。 讓我們慶祝我們孩子擁有驚奇和好奇的感覺,這是所有學習的基礎。 讓我們教導孩子們說我不知道,並且幫助他們了解不知道背後的力量。讓我們跟他們談談當我們不了解某些事的感覺。最後,讓我們誠實的跟孩子們說關於我們自己的知識的極限。這世界還有這麽多讓我們可以一起好奇、驚奇的事物。




I believe that one of the most important gifts we can give our children is the confidence to say “I don't know.

It's the foundation from which we begin our investigation of the world: asking questions, taking the necessary time to understand the answers, and searching for new answers when the ones we have in hand don't seem to work.

The feeling of not knowing is also the source of wonder and awe.


Before my daughter turned two, she began ignoring questions she couldn't answer.

Then she moved on to giving answers she knew to be false. I realized that she had grown accustomed to being celebrated every time she answered a question correctly and was, naturally, less interested in exchanges that didn't produce this response. But l also realized something even more important:

I hadn't taught her to say "I don't know" let alone celebrated her ability to do so. 


In all social and emotional learning, children need our help identifying the many new feelings they experience:” Oh, that Batman costume scared you or "I know, you feel sad when Mommy leaves." 

So I went looking for a children's book that would help us talk about the experience of not knowing but l couldn't find one.


We live in a society where people are uncomfortable with not knowing.Children aren't taught to say "I don't know,” and honesty in this form is rarely modeled for them. They too often see adults avoiding questions and fabricating answers, out of either embarrassment or fear, and this comes at a price.When children are embarrassed by or afraid of the feeling of not knowing, they are preoccupied with escaping their discomfort, rather than being motivated to learn. This robs them of the joy of curiosity. Let's celebrate the feelings of awe and wonder in our children, as the foundation for all learning. Let's teach children to say "l don't know" and help them understand the power behind it.Let's talk to them about how it feels to not know something. And, finally, let's be honest with children about the limits of our own knowledge.There is so much for all of us to wonder about together.







Eva loves to look for the moon. It follows her from place to place, disappearing behind trees and mountains, 

and then appearing again someplace new.


 "Look, Mama, there it is!"


The moon looks so beautiful in the sky.

How do you think it follows us, Eva?


Eva thinks about it, but she just can't figure it out.

"It's okay to say, I don't know." says her mother.

"When we don't know something, we get to wonder about it!"

"I wonder if the moon and the earth are friends," says Eva.

Her mother smiles. "I like that idea."





















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